Hollywood Fashion Industry – Summer Trends

It is summer time again and most people cannot wait to out and enjoy the sun. Speaking from the perspective of style and fashion, summer is the perfect weather. It allows you experiment with different clothes and the warm weather means you can wear practically anything you want to wear (within reason, of course). Below are summer trends for smart and fashionable people these days.

Make It Short and Sweet

Summer is the perfect season for those short and seductive outfits you’ve been longing to wear all winter. If you have a cute figure and straight legs, you have no reason to hide your assets in long and boring clothes. Get those short and sweet outfits out and make a powerful statement by just wearing them. A short white top on a short dark skirt will make you feel good this summer so you should go for it.

Wear Bright Colors

Summer is the right time to wear bright colors. This weather is just right for cotton clothes and most of these outfits come in bright colors. A casual top with a blue jean is an excellent idea. So are the popular Hawaiian shirts with baggy shorts that fall slightly below the knees. You can even go for bright-colored T-shirts with sky-blue jeans, a face cap and beads to complete the picture of a free spirit.

Wear White Proudly

An all-white ensemble on a bright and sunny day is likely to make your day. It does not matter if you are young or old, nor does your gender make any difference. A white pair of jeans or chinos along with a sparkling white T-shirt is an excellent idea any day. If you are not too keen on this, you could try the white caftan from Africa along with plain white trousers and a pair of dark glasses and black sandals to give the black and white image.

Make it Mini

Nothing beats a mini skirt on a beautiful woman on a bright summer day. Just check out this scenario. You are young, single and free and the weather is just right for you today. Now, there is no point in wearing a formal and restricting outfit. Celebrate the sun by wearing a mini skirt and small top to show off legs and a bit of belly. You are not just doing this for yourself. You are also doing it for the many admirers who will get a kick out of your silent celebration of summer. The best part is that some of them might join you in this fashion celebration.

Bring on the Beads

Summer time is a great season for informal clothes. You can give the long sleeve shirts and formal trousers a break and go for casual clothes all the way. Now use beads as your accessories for these informal clothes and the complete the picture of casual but classy outfits.

Bring out the Face Caps

Face caps have gone unisex and this is a great thing to see. In the past, women were not too keen on face caps as a fashion accessory. These days, it appears the face cap is an equal opportunity accessory. Bring out the face caps this summer and enjoy it with your bright colored and casual summer time apparel.

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